
LearnMemorize is the portal for everything related to the sciences of learning and the neurosciences of memorizing. We explore all the angles of the topics, from a student/teacher perspective as well as a scientist/patient perspective.

The website is currently in construction. It will feature three kind of pages:

  1. News: a follow up on research and new information as they come, with an explanation for every audience
  2. Knowledge base: we aim to teach the basics of biology, neurology, psychology and other relevant topics to go from zero to fully understanding of the topics related to learning and remembering
  3. How to: developing on the knowledge base, we will connect the theory to reality with learning strategies and memory techniques that you can use to improve your own efforts as a teacher or student

The goal of this website is to form a one stop shop central resource for every audience from the PhD neurology student to the curious individual. We all strive to make the best out of our brain to unleash our potential as individual pieces of a bigger thing.